What is a School-Parent Compact?
Our annual school-parent compact offers ways that we can work together to help our students succeed. This compact provides strategies to help connect learning at school and at home.
Effective Compacts:
Link to academic achievement goals
Focus on student learning
Share strategies that staff, parents, and students can use
Explain how teachers and parents will communicate about student progress
Describe opportunities for parents to observe, volunteer, and participate in the classroom
Jointly Developed
The parents, students, and staff worked together and shared ideas to develop the school-parent compact. Quarterly Parent-Teacher Academic Meetings and Title I Committee meetings are held each year to review and revise the compact based on the school’s academic achievement goals and students’ needs.
Parents are welcome to provide feedback at any time. All feedback will be collected and reviewed during the annual revision meeting with parents.
Building Partnerships
There are many opportunities at our school for parents to volunteer and play a role in their child’s education. (See our parent & family engagement plan event appendix or the Annual Title I Parent & Family Engagement Calendar.) Please consider joining the faculty, staff, and fellow parents through some of the following events and programs:
Academic Family Nights
School Governance Participation
November Family Day
Parent Workshops: day/night time meetings to increase parent capacity on varied topics
Communication about Student Learning
Metter Middle is committed to frequent two-way communication with families about children’s learning. Some of the ways you can expect us to reach you are:
Current grades available through Infinite Campus Student Information System
Parent-teacher conferences in Fall and Spring
Progress reports 4 times a year and report cards once per quarter
School website and School Facebook
You may contact your child’s teacher at any time. Please call the Prek-8 Complex at (912) 685-5050 or email the teacher directly.
Our Goals for Student Achievement
District goals:
90% of students will graduate on time
100% of Students will be career or college ready
CCSD will increase the percentage of students reading on Lexile by 3% as measured by the FY25 Georgia Milestones ELA assessments in grades 3-11.
School goals and focus areas:
MMS will increase the percentage of students reading on Lexile by 3% as measured by the FY 25 Georgia Milestones ELA assessments in grades 6-8.
100% of Metter Middle School students will finish with an Individual Graduation Plan and Career Portfolio.
Focus Areas:
Use of SWIRL (speaking, writing, illustrating, reading, listening) all content areas to improve literacy across the curriculum
Use YouScience with fidelity to ensure college and career readiness
Will provide parents with resources via Google Classroom and the school website as well as during parent workshop and parent/teacher academic meetings (2 per year)
Will share students’ individual graduation plans and career inventories with parents (8th grade)
Will send work samples home in order for parents to review learning focus, student work, and teacher feedback
Will host academic days/nights in order to provide hands on experiences and share strategies with parents
Will provide time and support for homework and 20 minutes of reading each day
Will review work samples with my child to help improve his or her work
Will use resources shared via Google classroom and the school website as well as information from parent workshops and academic meetings to support my child’s academic progress
StudentsWill complete all homework and read at least 20 minutes each day
Will use teacher feedback to improve my work and prepare for assessments
Will complete my IGP and Career Inventories
Will use Google Classroom and school website resources to increase my understanding and progress toward meeting learning goals
Revised on July 18, 2024